600 katten op Skopelos.
Skopelos is not the most famous island of Greece, it is also not so massively visited by tourists in the summer.
But those who come often want to feed the many cats. But in winter, when all hotels and restaurants are closed, only a few old people are left behind.
Some of those ladies (well, most of them are women) try to help the cats with their own meagre allowance. Unfortunately, there are many stray cats and few ladies …
When Natasa Lambrogianni came to the island in 2011, she was completely shocked. So many strays, dogs and cats, big and small but all in need. They were mistreated, half-starved, sick, injured…
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According to Greek law, the government is responsible for the care of stray animals, but don't be surprised: they did zero point zero. They still don't, by the way.
In fact, there was not even a vet on the island at the time. If Natasa needed a doctor for treatment or sterilization, she had to travel all the way to Athens.
A lot has changed since we first spoke to Natasa. Especially in the number of animals that Natasa passes by every day.
She takes care of – almost on her own – 500 to 600 cats and 60 dogs. A staggering number.
And no, they are not all in a large shelter, Natasa does not have that. In addition, these cats are simply happier when they are free.
They were born that way, and they want to stay that way. And that is fine if someone drives around daily, provides food and observes the animals with a trained eye.
Her own house now houses 32 very old dogs and many cats. The latter are, without exception, cats with a deficiency or disease that can no longer survive in the wild.
The rest of the huge number walk through the streets and in the wider area. Skopelos also has many mountainous areas where no one ever goes.
Fortunately Natasa does. Every day she drives at least 40 km to feed and monitor all those groups. And especially to water. Without water, no cat would last 3 days in the summer.
She has 60 (!) feeding places on the way. And everywhere it is crawling with cats waiting for her.
It is then not easy to spot an animal that looks worse than a few days ago and now needs help.
Some animals are already familiar with her and also allow her to give some medicine or antibiotics if they are injured by prickly bushes or by mutual fights. But most cats are unapproachable, never used to a human hand.
It is therefore difficult to catch those animals to have them sterilized. Still, it will have to be: there are already too many of them…

On her route, Natasa also stops at the chain dogs. They are always the same dogs that lie helplessly stuck all their lives, often without shelter but with an owner who doesn't look after them and even forgets to give them food and water.
How incredibly important a woman like Natasa is on Skopelos. In the past, 2 volunteers have signed up to take over part of the route from her. But as so often, they quickly gave up…
While you and I think, 'how can you? Can't you see with your own eyes how much the animals need you? Then you can't just abandon them, can you?' But still, apparently not everyone thinks the same ...
There is an urgent need for more sterilization and, one way or another, more food.
And so Natasa hopes – and so do we, of course – that the dear donors of the Dierennood foundation will come to her aid.
Just a moment: Just before we were about to send this project to the webmaster, we wanted to ask one more question. And we got a crying Natasa on the phone.
She was sad, one of her old dogs had just died. We find that so characteristic of a true animal friend.
She has so many animals, and yet she grieves for one…
You can help these animals directly by transferring an amount to:
NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 for. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Aid Project 169'
And we ensure that your donation will really only be used for this aid project.
With us there is no deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.
Or donate via the button below:
Streefbedrag: 8.000 euro - Stand per 2 juli: 659 euro
Alle donaties voor dit speciale kattenproject willen wij echt heel hartelijk bedanken!
3 juli - Best wel uniek denk ik, dat nu zowel het enige actieve Kleine Project als het Hulpproject voor deze maand beiden voor zwerfkatten in nood bestemd is. In de slechts twee eerste dagen van juli mochten wij gelukkig al een mooi bedrag noteren! Zeer bedankt daarvoor en laten wij hopen dat dit een voorbode is van een zeer geslaagd project voor die vele honderden arme en vaak zwaar zieke zwerfkatjes op dat moeizame Griekse eiland ...
t/m 2 juli: 659 euro
Ook hier ga ik voor doneren, het liefst zou ik alle organisaties willen steunen, maar helaas ben ik geen millionair!
Dit had ik even eerder moeten zien, maar kan hier natuurlijk ook niet omheen. Net voor Thailand gedoneerd, maar zal Natasa ook niet in de steek laten! Succes Natasa en ook nog veel sterkte met het verlies van één van je honden!