Elena thinks that animals deserve more...
That exactly second when you stop the car and take the most fragile, sick, malnourished and scared little puppy, and you know that from that moment on he will never feel like that again. For me.....that moment is worth living for.
Just that one moment when you stop the car and pick up the most vulnerable, sick, malnourished and scared little puppy, and you know that from that moment on he will never have to feel that way again.
For me... that moment worth living for.
These are the words of Elena Vicol, from Bacau, Romania, with which she begins her story when we ask her for information. She is one of the many rescuers in Romania and to describe her I would have to use superlatives. She also distinguishes herself from the other rescuers we know. Because never, ever, do we or anyone else appeal to her in vain! It does not matter from which killing station or from which part of Romania the request comes, every animal in need is welcome. She will always do everything she can to create a place in her packed shelter.
Since 2016, her entire life has been about animals. And the road she has taken since then to get to where she is now has been long and difficult. This is her story.....
At the time, she worked in a retirement home in a village far away from the city. She saves one, two, three dogs, and soon it becomes known throughout the village. People bring her puppies, discarded and injured dogs, cats and kittens. She houses the first few animals in her office and takes them with her as therapy for the old people, who clearly enjoy this. But after a year she has a garden full of animals and this is where she builds her first shelter.
But then something incredible happens. The same people who first brought her dogs and cats suddenly turn against her. Elena and her animals are now hated. They become victims of poisonings and all kinds of bullying that ultimately lead to Elena's departure with all the animals. The villagers won and drove her out! Elena has to start all over again.
On her own, with the help of her mother, bank loans and, above all, a lot of hard work, she eventually builds a new shelter at the place where her grandparents once lived. That village was abandoned by everyone decades ago due to the large number of landslides that occurred there. Peace and space for her and her ever-growing group of animals.
She now cares for 400 animals here in a green oasis. Mothers with puppies, abandoned kittens, sheep and goats, bunnies, disabled animals, fearful and clingy, abused and unwanted. From the street, from various killing shelters, at the request of people or even the police. They all find a place here. She always answers with the same words and without having to think about it: “he/she is welcome dear”!

Kido also finds a place with her. Kido is the victim of a sickening bet between two drunken men that results in both of his front legs being partially severed. Bystanders alert the police and they take Kido to the nearest vet. He asks the men to contact Elena Vicol, knowing that she will do everything she can to help this horribly abused dog. Of course, Kido is welcome!! After a few nights in the clinic, he moves to the shelter of Elena and Bogdan - now her husband - where he will continue to be cared for by Elena's mother.
Elena's love for animals is boundless. And her fight against the injustice done to these animals in her country continues unabated. But the biggest battle she fights takes place within herself. Her inner battle between what she wants to do and what she can do.
How fantastic it would be to be able to ease that struggle. Even if it is only temporary. It would give her some peace in these terribly difficult times, when the number of animals in need is growing explosively and donations are decreasing. Together we can ensure that all these animals get what they are entitled to and what they deserve. Quite simply a life without fear and pain, right?
As Elena concludes her story with the following moving words: “Dogs in Romania deserve more .....not only crumbs of happiness but the entire pie. I know many years will pass until their rights will be respected, but I'm here to fight for them until then!
Dogs in Romania deserve so much more...not just the crumbs of happiness but the whole cake!
I know that many years will pass before their rights are respected. Until then, I'm here to fight for them!
Thank you for that, dear Elena.
You can help these animals immediately by transferring an amount to:
NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 attn. Animal Emergency Foundation o.v.v. 'Aid project 171'
And we ensure that your donation will only be spent on this aid project.
We do not allow deductions for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.
Or donate via the button below:
Target amount: 7,500 euros - Balance as of September 17, 2023: 2,917 euros
September 18 - Partly thanks to the Newsletter, the amount has doubled, so we are now almost at 3000 euros. With 2 weeks to go, we hope to double this great amount! To everyone who donated to this project this week: Thank you very much!
September 11- Another nice amount for Elena and her hundreds of animals! Thank you! We are already almost at €1500!
September 4 - What a great start for this new monthly project! So much has come in in the first few days. Hopefully this continues! THANK YOU very much for this nice starting amount!
Week to September 3: 758 euros
Week up to and including September 10: 660 euros
Week up to and including September 17: 1499 euros