It is freezing in Targu Frumos.

Aid Project 163 – January 2023.

Last winter, we would have loved to make a project for Andreaa, but it didn't happen. So many applications, so few months in a year.

All we could do was post on our Facebook page how the dogs tried to survive in snow and ice.

There were a lot of reactions to that from people who were confronted – perhaps for the first time – with the conditions in a Romanian animal shelter.

Now they could see it with their own eyes and understand why some animals don't make it to the end of winter…

And that while Andreaa has already made so much progress.

Years ago, she was finally able to convince the local government of the importance of getting the vagrants off the streets of the city. And they -finally- agreed, made a piece of land available, fenced it and concrete was poured. In 'the middle of nowhere' an open plain where northern winds, eastern storm and lashing hailstorms have free rein.

No water, no electricity and no roof! Within 2 days, seventy dogs had already been brought in and were forced to lie on the stone-cold, wet concrete. A horrible situation!

Andreea had to drag large bottles of drinking water for the dogs, but if the snow was too high, and she couldn't reach the shelter by car, there was no choice but to cover the last 500 meters on foot. Carrying food and drink.

Unbelievable what Andreea herself and the dogs had to go through for hardships. She begged the local government for timber pallets, so that the animals at least did not freeze to the concrete.

That last one is literally! The wet fur freezes solid, and when an animal stands up… it pulls the hair out of its body.

Tarpaulin was donated from abroad, but after all the hard work of fitting the tarpaulins as a roof and on the sides, they were picked up by the wind at the first blizzard…

Meanwhile, the dog catchers brought in one dog after another and the animals started to fight. There was not enough space and too little food.

Andreea then had even bigger problems: caring for injured dogs. There wasn't even a vet who could help her with anything. The dogs brought in were not sterilized and pregnant bitches were also dropped off with her. They gave birth in the open air on the cold concrete... Almost none of them survived.

Unknown makes unloved. No one noticed a lonely woman and her struggle to keep the dogs alive.


Eventually, the Dutch Irene adopted a small street dog and thus 'discovered' the shelter of Targu Frumos. Together with the Dutch foundation Newlife4Straydogs, she has gradually ensured some improvement.

In the course of time, kennels with plastic plates on the side were introduced to stop the harsh wind and some indoor pens already provided more safety and shelter. In 2018 there was actually a ROOF!

Today, Andreaa's situation is that the shelter is packed. Her worst concern now is: where do I get food? The Council provides 3 bags of food per day. 20 kilos per bag. Adult food, for adult dogs. 3 whole bags for 200 dogs?

Then there are also 40 young dogs and about 60 puppies. These animals have not yet had time to grow a thick coat and are very vulnerable. They should actually get special food for that, which is slightly more expensive. But Andreaa cannot afford this.

A few months ago, Andreea was hoping for puppy food coming in from Animal Webaction. If you click on their website, you can click for free to help provide food to an animal helper. In this case, for no less than 81 puppies. Unfortunately, not enough was clicked and the puppies from Andreea didn't get a kick. (Incidentally, we would like to recommend that site wholeheartedly. We at Dierennood also click on it daily. We always share it on our FB page.)

That wasn't the first and only time Andreea cried. She has a hard time filling all the stomachs.

More nutritious food is also needed quickly for weaker and older dogs. Death is imminent.

And there is certainly an urgent need for more warm and sturdy lofts. Not all dogs are lucky enough to be able to sleep in such a leak-proof and draught-free kennel.

Look at the leaking, collapsing hovels. It hurts to know that some dogs have to live through winter in these, too. Think of them when you walk out tucked into your collar tomorrow… these animals can't even hide somewhere in the lee.

Andrea herself says:

In my town, they call me the crazy lady with the dogs! I have absolutely no support from anyone, but I keep going, I am used to it by now. Sometimes I feel sad, sometimes hopeless, sometimes I truly believe that what I am doing is making a change, it varies. It's definitely a lot of ups and downs!

That's why this winter is absolutely a project for Andreaa with her 200 dogs!

Will you help again?

Facebook page.

You can help these animals directly by transferring an amount to:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 Attn. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Aid project 163'

And we ensure that your donation will really only be used for this aid project.

We do not have deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills. All donations go to the animals.

Or donate via the button below:

Target amount: 15,000 euros - Balance as at 29 Jan. '23: 18,641 euros

Jan 30. - We are speechless! We received so much support, good advice and heartwarming encouragement for this literally and figuratively chilling project from so many very compassionate donors and relations. Intended for Andreaa to turn this ice-cold shelter into a good place to live and decent for her many animals. Many thanks to all for everything!!

Jan 23. - Rarely have you all reacted so lovingly, thoughtfully and thoughtfully as with this aid project! That will definitely do Andreaa very well. And of course the standings of the donations received are also very impressive! She can use everything so well and hopefully there will be money left over for real structural improvements in that shelter where she wants to improve the conditions for the animals! Many thanks to every nice donor!

Jan 16. - Despite considerable 'competition' from the even more appealing KP100 for Edina, a wonderful amount was raised for this wonderful woman with her many animals in the bitter cold!

Jan 9. - It is logical that this first week of the year brought less activities with donations, but we are confident that this will be another successful project!

Jan 2. - What a great start to this new year, dear people! Already on the first day of the year we were able to add more than 1,500 euros, especially through one grandiose donation, to better house the poor animals in that freezing cold shelter and to give them good care! Thank you!


Week to January 1: 1,581 euros
Week to January 8: 1,382 euros
Week to January 15: 1,248 euros
Week to January 22: 6,146 euros

Posted in Maandelijkse Hulpacties.

One Comment

  1. Andreea heeft dit aan ons doorgestuurd: Myron Andreea
    Thank you very much again Ria Alonso what u said is very true… but reality here is even worst.
    I have been there since first day and made a promise to dogs “that i will never give up” it hurt me everytime when the food is over, when dogs get sick, when dogs fight eatchother for food or place, when dogs are in need and i cant help cus i dont have space… if i leave them i know that nobody else will try to get them to help… i always have to choose for the less bad thing that can happend to dogs, is payinfull! Like that i got over 30 puppies at my home… shelter full, my home full… all from streets, in very big danger and bad condition, i had to choose if i left the dogs to die or i get in a crowded place, my home or shelter…
    Is not easy at all to find food for over 200 dogs everyday, but i dont have other option. I was able to thake care of dogs until now, only with help from kind people! I did learn that if we do it together, we can make it! Always! The only bad part is that i live in romania and people here dont care too much for dogs, they even judge me for doing all this hard work to save them but i wont stop, having people like you on my side, gives me power and makes me stronger
    I know we can make it together, for the dogs.

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