Years ago, we already wrote about Hanan Atef Zaki. From Forever Rescue Foster.
A downright angel in the blazing heat of cruel Egypt.
Suppose you are skin and bones, hungry, sick and mangy, sometimes you even have broken bones or painful wounds. Added to this is the maddening thirst, a feeling that predominates even above all that. If you don't find something to drink soon, all you can do is lie down and wait for the end…
You actually need help very urgently, but if a person comes by, you quickly hide. Sometimes with a pike dive into the sewer.
Because people are very dangerous creatures, who are only bad and have ensured that you are in such a miserable state now.
Mind you, the biggest threat to the strays lies not only in the lack of food and drink, but mainly in the 'man'.
The highest vet costs, the most frustrations and the biggest headaches that the care providers have … all because of that same 'human'.
We don't want to show you most of the photos of animals in the streets of Egypt. It is crying to heaven what shuffles around there and drags itself along. Over the 50 degree sand or tarmac.
Even the colleagues from Dierennood can't look at it… We had to weigh up a lot because almost every image was too intense.
It hasn't been easy for Hanan, but now that times are getting worse, prices higher and the number of emergencies more frequent, she also has to fear for the survival of her shelter. Her animals are finally safe after a life full of misery. It simply cannot happen that she has to close her doors! We are talking about no less than 550 dogs! All animals that have been badly abused, tied to chains in the blazing sun, which were, in short, in a horrible condition. And who unfortunately need more than just something to eat every day.
Sometimes it can be difficult to imagine when it comes to such numbers of animals. Then you only see the big picture.
But even then, one person counts. Even then, especially then, you must have an eye for each individual. Exactly as the animal helpers experience it themselves.
Let's turn it around, not a story about Hanan but through the eyes of Hanan.
One dog only, one of many…
Her name? MIRACLE.
It was just a miracle that she was found at all, literally dumped in the middle of the desert. So she would be called 'Wonder'. To prevent her from ever walking back or even surviving, a sick ghost had her front legs and her back legs tied together… we have no words for it, at least not words the webmaster would approve of.
Even the rescue team was deeply shocked: both her back feet were completely off. There were deep lacerations around the front legs. She must have nibbled those ropes with her teeth and then dragged herself along.
What an awful pain she must have suffered…

This is how dogs are 'kept' - no money to set them free.
Miracle was skinny, dehydrated, anaemic and covered in parasites, but… the second miracle happened: she was so happy when she saw her rescuers that she looked like she was smiling. But hey, maybe she was so worn out from all her suffering that she didn't even care anymore. It couldn't get any worse. She gave them her confidence and let it happen. Or maybe she understood that she had met some excellent people.
Firstly, she was given plenty of fluids, pain relief and a blood transfusion. Because she was too weak to immediately undergo surgery to properly amputate her damaged hind feet. The drip was needed longer, the poor girl was so weakened and, although the will to live was strong, her tortured body and her organs had taken a big beating. However, Hanan couldn't bring herself to put her to sleep. The hope in her eyes… everyone saw it. Was it perhaps the will to reward her caretakers by continuing to fight. Who can say?
After 2 weeks, Miracle had slowly become stronger, the hope grew: would she make it? Then suddenly the breathing problems started. She became very short of breath and needed oxygen urgently. After all the poor thing had been through, Hanan didn't want to lose her. Unfortunately, ventilation was not possible in the shelter's small clinic. And there was also no possibility to transport her to a real veterinary clinic. No car, no driver. There was no money for …
Hanan concludes her sad story with a simple: “we lost her…” A moment of tears for everyone, including us…

550 dogs. In conditions that are far from ideal, but at least the animals are safe, away from the scorching sun, iron chains and the insidious population.
And each of those 550 dogs has its own story. Without exception, sad, full of fear and unimaginable pain.
Miracle symbolises the life of all these animals that have been given a chance thanks to Hanan.
This little girl didn't make it, but don't let her life have been in vain.
Such a brave animal should not be forgotten. No animal should disappear in such a large group. Every story is important, every life worth living.
Please help Hanan give all those other victims a chance.
You can help these animals directly by transferring an amount to:
NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 for. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. “Aid project 157”
and we will make sure that your donation will only be used for this aid project.
With us there is no deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.
Or donate via the button below:
Target amount: 8,500 euros - Balance as at 27 November: 8,514 euros
Nov. 28 - Hooray! We have now really reached the target amount! Thanks!!
Sept. 5 - And another very nice amount! Super nice!
Aug. 15 - And now we have also exceeded our target amount! Dear people, you once again give Hanan a very big smile, which she deserves so much..... Many thanks again to all of you!
Aug. 8 - Very nice, dear people, you have continued for that wonderful Hanan for a while and have now raised the total to our target amount, except for a fraction! Many thanks again!
Aug 1 - HAPPY to all of you dear donors! What a beautiful final sprint that was last week! With this, the wonderful amount of more than 7,500 euros has been reached! How sweet Hanan will shed a few tears of pure joy! Once again all the great generosity, thank you very much for that!
July 25th - After we sent out our newsletter and gave you further explanation about Hanan's great work, fortunately more than 2 grand in donations came in. Very welcome and thank you very much for that!
July 18 - The month is already in half and luckily Hanan has already received more than 50% of the target amount from you. Very good, because she needs it so bitterly....
11 July - Great! This first full week was fortunately higher than the previous amount. But that is really very necessary! You can see it for yourself in the poignant photos of this aid project: rarely is there a collection of animals that need so much attention and medical care than with that courageous Hanan!
4th of July - That's right! You have already seen in the first few days of this new month that Hanan REALLY needs to be helped by us as a big group of friends. In one of the most difficult countries in the world, running such a large shelter and also with many disabled animals.... That is very admirable and she really deserves both our moral but certainly also our financial support! Please donate generously... Many thanks in advance!
Week to 3 July - 961 euros
Week to July 10 - 1,318 euros
Week to July 17 - 1,416 euros
Week to July 24 - 2,008 euros
Week to July 31 - 1,799 euros
Week to August 7 - 477 euros
Week to August 14 - 240 euros
Week until 28 Aug. - 10 euros
Week to 4 Sep. - 250 euros
Week to 27 Nov. - 15 euro
What a horrible story. How can people be so cruel…
To stand up for the animals there seems almost impossible.
You want to help them all, but have to make choices because the money is not there.
And then every animal you save counts as 1. But your heart bleeds at the sight of so much misery.
Many thanks to people who are committed to helping these poor animals!
Beautiful and well said, Anne!
Hanan is indeed one of the greatest heroes we know!
What she does every day for animals in dire need is truly magnificent!
Deep respect and we very much hope for a huge amount that can be transferred for her at the end of this month.