This poor animal tells the whole story... Spent a long time in a shelter without enough food and without proper care. Look at the great sadness in his eyes. Finally rescued...
Another 70 dogs for Kemal...
Sometimes dogs have it worse INSIDE than OUTSIDE a shelter.
Unfortunately, that was the case for a long time for about 70 animals that were less and less well cared for by an asylum keeper in North Macedonia.
Several animal lovers noticed this and looked for solutions.
But where to go with so many dogs and then also in a bad condition?
That is why this very special emergency project.
For a situation that (fortunately) does not happen often, namely that animals have to be removed from a shelter where they were unfortunately treated very badly.
The backgrounds are no longer important now, but trust us, the 70 dogs that have now been transferred have had an incredibly bad time...
Skin and bone was a very accurate description for many... That there is still another asylum holder willing to take over those 70 poor animals in a pitifully bad condition in such a very difficult country as North Macedonia no less than a miracle in itself!
So kudos to Kemal! The least we can do for him as animal friends is to support him financially.
With this, he can then try to take care of these in addition to his own 130 animals.
With many vet visits, good animal feed, etc. Pffff..... respect for that man!!
Of course Kemal is not going to manage this financially alone!
That's why this aid project to help him to give those dozens of extra dogs the necessary (medical) care.
They really need your and our help right now.
The pictures speak for themselves… Please help these little wretches forget their traumatic experiences. Give them a chance for a healthy body and a start to a much better life...
You can help these animals directly by transferring an amount to:
NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 in the name of Stichting Dierennood stating 'Auxiliary project 166'
We ensure that your donation will be spent quickly and really only for this aid project. With us there is no deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.
Or donate via the button below:
You can read the entire project HERE .
Doneer alsjeblieft!

It will be a big but oh so rewarding job to check all these dogs of Sasha for ear, eye and skin problems...
Veterinarian (assistants) wanted for 1 week to Serbia or Greece.
Experienced veterinarians / assistants or para veterinarians are sought for two important visits with a volunteer team to a shelter in Serbia and for a sterilization project in Greece.
Serbia: In Sasha's large 800 dog shelter in Nis, a Belgian team will carry out an annual health check on all animals from 5 to 12 June.
Fly from Eindhoven to Belgrade vv and take a bus to Nis. Spend the night in a small hotel. Own costs approx. 350 euros.
Greece: In Kozani (130 km from Thessaloniki) about 2000 dogs live on a rubbish dump. A team led by the World Dogs Foundation plans to sterilise no fewer than 250 animals from 3 to 11 June.
Flying and accommodation are jointly funded by the foundation and the local Greek authorities.
Do you have the experience and expertise to strengthen one of these teams? Send a short e-mail with your motivation, experience and personal details to hannoberger@tiscali.nl
We will then be happy to contact you for further details.
Eating spaghetti in Belgium in front of a well in Sasha's shelter.
Now that we are already talking about Sasha's very large shelter in Serbia, here is another activity of our Belgian colleagues from Dog Happiness.
They are going to try to raise a lot of money to help pay for an incredibly important well.
To no longer have to drag water bottles around, the shelter urgently needs its own well for the necessary fresh water. Cost price is +/- € 5,000.
Look how nice! Eat spaghetti and help hundreds of dogs at the same time!
Who's coming to eat and support? Pick up is also possible.
Anyone who would like to lend a hand that day is also welcome!
Saturday, April 29 from 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm in the Parish Hall Nukerke, Nukerkeplein 7 in Markedal, Belgium.
HERE the rest of the story about Sasha's shelter with also the great need for a lot of puppies dropped off with him, who often suffer from the contagious Parvo disease.

URGENT: Veterinarian wanted to join the Aanifeira team near Porto!
For more than 10 years we have had very good contacts with the large shelter Aanifeira near Porto in the beautiful north of Portugal.
From an originally animal-unfriendly state shelter, a team of very enthusiastic animal lovers has managed to set up a beautiful shelter with its own modern clinic.
2 to 3 veterinarians work there continuously, of which only 1 recently remained due to circumstances.
Which Dutch or Belgian (retired) vet would be willing to come and work there for a few months or even longer?
English-speaking asylum holder Jackie Dias is happy to discuss salary, accommodation and other details.
Interested? You can also talk to Hanno Berger first, whose visit to that shelter 14 years ago was the beginning of our foundation...
HERE is the link to their Facebook.

Miriam and Egbert strengthen our team!
We are very excited to welcome two new members to our team:
Miriam van der Sangen
Works as editor-in-chief at CBS, but has also been active as a volunteer for over 30 years to help animals in need in, but certainly also outside the Netherlands.
Miriam has been appointed as the 4th board member within our foundation.
Egbert Poell
He has also been actively involved in animal welfare for decades and assists / advises various animal foundations.
For our foundation, he will mainly be involved in sponsoring and commercial activities.
We welcome both of them and wish them every success!
Doneer alsjeblieft!