Aid project 172 – Bojan: one of our greatest heroes!

Bojan is one of our greatest heroes!

Aid project 172 - October 2023.

Prnjavor, an unknown town in an unknown Bosnian province with an unknown municipal shelter.
And if it is up to the administrators and the authorities, it should remain that way.

Dogcatchers have been unceremoniously throwing terrified animals into the dirty, dark dungeons of the local shelter for years. A definitive final station.

No one saw them after that, they simply no longer existed. No care whatsoever, not even food or water, until they succumbed to the misery on their own.

The few who were still moving after a few weeks were still brutally beaten to death.

The municipal council and the population were satisfied with the course of events. There were fewer and fewer stray dogs on the streets.


One half did not consider the atrocities that took place behind closed doors important and the other half had no idea about it. Out of sight out of mind.

But 10 years ago, one man wanted to know what was happening behind those high walls.

Bojan Veselica is his name. An animal lover par excellence!

The immense suffering he encountered there was too gruesome for words and literally left a hole in his heart. He went to the responsible authority and managed to get into the shelter.

That same day he decided voluntarily to take on the care of the Prnjavor dogs on his young shoulders. His life would never be the same again...

After working hard in his normal daytime job, he has to quickly visit several shops to ask for stale bread and offal. Then on to the shelter, where he mixed everything in large containers. The dogs have been eagerly waiting for him all day...

They are now incredibly attached to him and completely dependent on him. They are not only waiting for food, but also for the attention that Bojan gives them.

Every living being needs that warm feeling of being seen and important just as much as food and water.

No matter how tired Bojan is every evening, he cares for his animals with everything he has, and their gratitude and affection give him the energy and motivation to continue every day.

His meagre wages for his normal daytime work largely go towards the care of the poor animals.

So far, Bojan has been able to save most of the animals from certain death. But the shelter is overcrowded.

Not long ago there were 700, but the dog catchers still bring in new dogs every day. Sometimes up to 10 a day!

There is no point in releasing recovered animals, because the dog catchers receive a few euros per captured animal.

They are then returned straight away, often in worse condition than before, often with a bullet or other injuries due to the blows and brutal methods of the catchers.

How can we show this great animal hero that we in the Netherlands and Belgium understand how difficult his life is?

He is doing so great! Besides handing out food and even simple medicine for injured animals.

But he can sometimes even have a dog sterilized at a local vet. Just to prevent puppies from being born in this horrible animal prison.

At the moment, there is still a dire shortage of dog houses.

As a result, many animals simply have to stay in the freezing winter night. This cannot be otherwise with such an influx of new animals.

Bojan is a unique person, with a big animal heart, but he suffers indescribably from the enormous animal suffering that he has to see with his own eyes every day....

It must be terribly depressing for him to encounter the same problems every month, knowing that it will never be different, but together we can at least support him and lighten his burden.

Because if Bojan wants to keep fighting for his precious dogs, we have to fight with him!

Giving up is simply not an option!

We previously asked your attention for this aid project in 2018. It is now 5 years later and this wonderful animal hero is still doing the best he can for those animals in that terrible shelter every day.

High time for another heart under his belt! Not only important to be able to pay his large bills for food and vet, but also morally very good for himself that he knows that many animal friends in the Netherlands and Belgium are happy to continue to support him. He deserves it so much!

You can donate via direct bank transfer:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 attn. Animal Emergency Foundation o.v.v. '172nd Relief Action-of-the-Month'

and we ensure that the donation will be spent 100% and very quickly for this good cause.

Or donate via the button below:

Also on behalf of Bojan and his animals, thank you in advance!

Target amount: 10,000 euros - Standings: 10,130 euros


October 30 - HOORAY, dear people! What an enormous success this repeat project has become! Thanks to your wonderful donations, we have generated more than average with the new projects on our website. Bojan, who has been standing up for stray animals in that terribly difficult country of Bosnia for so long, will be very happy with this and how much he can do with it in the construction of his new shelter for many poor stray animals... Two more days next week... In any case, to all donors: MANY THANKS!!

23 Oct. - GREAT! This was another wonderful week for you and our great hero Bojan, who has been ready and working almost his entire life to help stray animals in that very difficult country of Bosnia, to have them sterilised and even to make adoptions possible! Feel free to continue, he will finally be very pleasantly surprised by the generous contributions this month!

October 16 - Very good, dear people! After the attention paid to Bojan in our newsletter, you donated en masse for him, for which we thank you very much! He really needs it very much...

9 Oct. -Despite the great 'competition' of the World Animal Day project on Oct. 4, Last week a fantastic amount of more than 2 grand was received for Bojan. It looks like you think he's a true hero too! Rightly so!

October 2 - That's what you call a 'flying start', because on the first day of this very important project we were able to contribute almost 500 euros for Bojan! Thank you very much and hopefully this is the start of a wonderful return at the end of this month of October!

Week to Oct 1 - 494 euros
Week up to and including October 8 - 2,228 euros
Week up to and including October 15 - 3,421 euros
Week up to and including October 22 - 2,452 euros
Week up to and including October 29 - 1,535 euros

Klein Project 112

Wij willen een goed dak boven onze kop!

Klein Project 112 - september 2023.

Door Ria Alonso

Dit is ons kleine project nummer 112… Is het toeval dat 112 ook het noodnummer is?

Wie zal het zeggen. Maar voor de honden van Hope for Catas Strays is een noodmelding echt wel ‘noodzakelijk’.

Ja, er zijn eigenlijk andere asielen eerst aan de beurt, maar als je naar de foto’s kijkt dan snappen jullie waarom we deze keuze maken.

De Roemeense Catalina Voica heeft momenteel ruim 300 honden en katten. En zie hoe heel veel hokken zo verschrikkelijk slecht, lek en gammel zijn dat ze de naam ‘hok’ niet verdienen. De arme dieren, die straks bij herfststormen en slagregens en wat later de ijzige noorden- en oostenwinden, sneeuw en vriesnachten, in deze krotjes moeten ‘schuilen’ zijn niet te benijden. Vraag is of ze het überhaupt overleven, of ze ooit nog een lente zullen meemaken.

Plaatjes vergroten als je erop klikt. (Niet op mobiel)

Een klein verhaaltje over Hope for Catas Strays.

Catalina is al ruim 10 jaar (en ze is zelf pas 31!) bezig met het redden, veilig stellen, verzorgen en uitplaatsen van zwerfhonden en katten in Boekarest, Roemenië.

Daarnaast heeft zij het als enige (!) buitenstaander voor elkaar gekregen om de gruwelijke dodingsstations in Cornetu en Buftea wekelijks te bezoeken en de arme stakkers die daar op hun dood wachten tenminste nog iets van voer en een klein beetje aandacht te geven. Iedere keer slaakt zij weer een noodkreet als de dodingsdatum in de buurt komt om zoveel mogelijke dieren eruit te halen.

De afgelopen jaren is het haar met haar topteam gelukt om de dodingslijst telkens te reduceren waardoor de dodingen opgeschort worden.

Maar daarvoor hebben zij natuurlijk heel veel hulp nodig. Geld, middelen, en vooral ook het delen en bekendmaken van de hopeloze dieren die zo hard een levenskans verdienen.

Daarnaast heeft zij het voor elkaar gekregen om een kliniek midden in Boekarest te openen waar natuurlijk ook de lokale bevolking terecht kan met hun dieren. De rekeningen van de dierenarts liepen op een gegeven moment zó hoog op dat er is gekozen om dan zelf maar een kliniek te beginnen. Ook daar worden gemiddeld zo'n 40 a 50 honden en katten dagelijks verzorgd.

Sinds 3,5 jaar is er ook een Nederlandse tak van de shelter. Inmiddels is deze stichting officieel zodat er, met een beetje geluk, ook dieren hier in Nederland geadopteerd kunnen worden.

Brigitte Cuypers reist elke 3 maanden voor enkele weken naar Roemenië. Slaapt bij Catalina in haar sobere appartementje en werkt dan net zo hard mee. Brigitte heeft veel respect voor Catalina die, naast haar 16-urige werkdag, thuis nog een man en een 3-jarig zoontje heeft om voor te zorgen.

Ook Brigitte mag inmiddels het dodingsasiel binnen. En dat went nooit, bekent ze. In Buftea is ze ook binnen geweest en ze zegt: daar doden ze niet. Tenminste… niet zelf. Ze laten de honden eenvoudig, goedkoop, maar toch effectief gewoon verhongeren … Dood zúllen ze!

In het asiel van Mogosoaia proberen ze ook een ingang te krijgen… ook zo’n berucht asiel.☹

Terug naar de hokken.

Momenteel zitten er dik 200 honden, grotendeels uit de ‘kill shelters’. Heel veel getraumatiseerde honden ook, die mogen blijven waar ze zijn omdat het niet verantwoord is om deze in een gezin te plaatsen. Ook deze honden die letterlijk door het leven getekend zijn verdienen het om een toevluchtsoord te hebben en dat hebben ze bij Catalina.

Dat betekent wel dat het constant een enorm gevecht is om alles te onderhouden, de dieren en het terrein.

En nu zijn de hondenhokken bijna allemaal versleten...

Facebook pagina

De barre weersomstandigheden eisen hun tol... extreme zomers, extreme winters. De houten hutten zijn kapot of finaal verrot en geven niet meer de broodnodige bescherming tegen de kou die eraan staat te komen.

Daarbij zijn er meer dan 60 puppies, die ze uit de kill shelters hebben gehaald, inmiddels zó gegroeid dat ze niet meer samen in 1 hondenhok kunnen slapen.

Dus is er ook nog een groot tekort ontstaan 😰.


Daarom laten wij van Dierennood nu een SOS uitgaan.

Het mag toch niet gaan gebeuren dat een groot deel van de honden, die het toch al slecht hebben getroffen in hun leven, ook nog de vriesdood gaan sterven?

Dat is niet waarvoor Catalina en Brigitte hun leven hebben gered.

Help ze alsjeblieft met een dak boven hun kop! Vermeld daarbij het noodnummer: 112.


Je kunt deze dieren direct helpen door een bedrag over te maken naar:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 t.n.v. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Klein Project 112’

en wij zorgen dat je donatie echt alleen voor dit hulpproject besteed zal worden.

Bij ons is er geen aftrek voor salarissen, huisvesting of overbodige franje.

Of doneer via onderstaande knoppen:


Streefbedrag: 3.500 euro - Stand per 23 september 2023: 716 euro


27 sept. - Wat een schitterend vervolg met meer dan 500 erbij! Super mooi en ga zo door ajb...

18 sept. - De kop is eraf. Een mooie start met bijna 200 euro. Dank jullie wel!

Week t/m 17 sept.: 195 euro
Week t/m 24 sep.: 521 euro

Hulpproject 171

Elena thinks that animals deserve more...

Aid project 171 - September 2023.

That exactly second when you stop the car and take the most fragile, sick, malnourished and scared little puppy, and you know that from that moment on he will never feel like that again. For me.....that moment is worth living for.

Just that one moment when you stop the car and pick up the most vulnerable, sick, malnourished and scared little puppy, and you know that from that moment on he will never have to feel that way again.
For me... that moment worth living for.

These are the words of Elena Vicol, from Bacau, Romania, with which she begins her story when we ask her for information. She is one of the many rescuers in Romania and to describe her I would have to use superlatives. She also distinguishes herself from the other rescuers we know. Because never, ever, do we or anyone else appeal to her in vain! It does not matter from which killing station or from which part of Romania the request comes, every animal in need is welcome. She will always do everything she can to create a place in her packed shelter.

Since 2016, her entire life has been about animals. And the road she has taken since then to get to where she is now has been long and difficult. This is her story.....

At the time, she worked in a retirement home in a village far away from the city. She saves one, two, three dogs, and soon it becomes known throughout the village. People bring her puppies, discarded and injured dogs, cats and kittens. She houses the first few animals in her office and takes them with her as therapy for the old people, who clearly enjoy this. But after a year she has a garden full of animals and this is where she builds her first shelter.

But then something incredible happens. The same people who first brought her dogs and cats suddenly turn against her. Elena and her animals are now hated. They become victims of poisonings and all kinds of bullying that ultimately lead to Elena's departure with all the animals. The villagers won and drove her out! Elena has to start all over again.

On her own, with the help of her mother, bank loans and, above all, a lot of hard work, she eventually builds a new shelter at the place where her grandparents once lived. That village was abandoned by everyone decades ago due to the large number of landslides that occurred there. Peace and space for her and her ever-growing group of animals.

She now cares for 400 animals here in a green oasis. Mothers with puppies, abandoned kittens, sheep and goats, bunnies, disabled animals, fearful and clingy, abused and unwanted. From the street, from various killing shelters, at the request of people or even the police. They all find a place here. She always answers with the same words and without having to think about it: “he/she is welcome dear”!

Kido also finds a place with her. Kido is the victim of a sickening bet between two drunken men that results in both of his front legs being partially severed. Bystanders alert the police and they take Kido to the nearest vet. He asks the men to contact Elena Vicol, knowing that she will do everything she can to help this horribly abused dog. Of course, Kido is welcome!! After a few nights in the clinic, he moves to the shelter of Elena and Bogdan - now her husband - where he will continue to be cared for by Elena's mother.

Elena's love for animals is boundless. And her fight against the injustice done to these animals in her country continues unabated. But the biggest battle she fights takes place within herself. Her inner battle between what she wants to do and what she can do.

How fantastic it would be to be able to ease that struggle. Even if it is only temporary. It would give her some peace in these terribly difficult times, when the number of animals in need is growing explosively and donations are decreasing. Together we can ensure that all these animals get what they are entitled to and what they deserve. Quite simply a life without fear and pain, right?

As Elena concludes her story with the following moving words: “Dogs in Romania deserve more .....not only crumbs of happiness but the entire pie. I know many years will pass until their rights will be respected, but I'm here to fight for them until then!

Dogs in Romania deserve so much more...not just the crumbs of happiness but the whole cake!

I know that many years will pass before their rights are respected. Until then, I'm here to fight for them!

Thank you for that, dear Elena.

Elena with Kido, the dog whose two legs were cut off

You can help these animals immediately by transferring an amount to:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 attn. Animal Emergency Foundation o.v.v. 'Aid project 171'

And we ensure that your donation will only be spent on this aid project.

We do not allow deductions for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.

Or donate via the button below:

Target amount: 7,500 euros - Balance as of September 17, 2023: 2,917 euros


September 18 - Partly thanks to the Newsletter, the amount has doubled, so we are now almost at 3000 euros. With 2 weeks to go, we hope to double this great amount! To everyone who donated to this project this week: Thank you very much!

September 11- Another nice amount for Elena and her hundreds of animals! Thank you! We are already almost at €1500!

September 4 - What a great start for this new monthly project! So much has come in in the first few days. Hopefully this continues! THANK YOU very much for this nice starting amount!

Week to September 3: 758 euros
Week up to and including September 10: 660 euros
Week up to and including September 17: 1499 euros

Klein project 111

Een rijdende kliniek kan overal steriliseren.

Klein Project 111 – augustus 2023.

Jullie, wij en nog veel meer mensen weten het, maar toch kunnen we het niet genoeg zeggen en benadrukken. Sterilisatie is de beste en de enige humane oplossing voor het zwerfdierenprobleem. Wereldwijd!

Dr. Patricia Paraschiv, dierenarts en vicepresident van het educatie- en sterilisatieteam van Asociatia Pro Animals in Roemenië, is diezelfde mening toegedaan. Niet alleen de dieren op straat of in de publieke asielen, maar júíst de dieren met een eigenaar. Op het platteland gaat men nooit naar een dierenarts – die zijn dan ook met een lantaarntje te zoeken - en er worden daarom ook zelden of nooit huisdieren gesteriliseerd. Dat is waarom een mobiele kliniek zo belangrijk is. Daarmee trekken ze door de provincie Gorj en alle andere provincies waar ze welkom zijn. In elk dorp wordt er een sterilisatiecampagne georganiseerd… Elke dag, elke week, elke maand zijn ze onderweg ...sinds 2012.
Plaatjes vergroten als je erop klikt. (Niet op mobiel)

Gorj was één van de eerste provincies die deze campagnes toestond in verschillende gebieden en één van de weinige provincies in Roemenië waar het rijdende ziekenhuisje in bijna alle steden en plattelandsdorpen mag werken.

Het kost ontzettend veel tijd om een sterilisatiecampagne voor te bereiden. Burgemeesters moeten worden overgehaald deze campagnes te accepteren en er hun medewerking aan te verlenen in plaats van de honden te laten doden.

Informatie over de komende campagnes moeten worden voorbereid, aanplakbiljetten moeten worden gedrukt en opgehangen en er moet natuurlijk gezorgd worden voor de broodnodige financiële ondersteuning!

Dit laatste is altijd de grootste en moeilijkste opgave. Maar ook het overhalen van de burgemeesters valt niet altijd mee, sterilisatiecampagnes hebben tijd nodig voordat je daar de resultaten van ziet. Helaas hebben veel burgemeesters dat geduld niet en willen het probleem liefst morgen al opgelost hebben. Vaak kiezen ze daarom liever voor de dood dan voor het leven. ☹

Maar als je de uiteindelijke resultaten ziet, is het alle moeite waard!!

Zolang het weer het toelaat, blijft de mobiele kliniek actief en rijdt van dorp tot dorp. Zodra de echte kou begint kan er alleen nog maar gesteriliseerd worden in de dierenkliniek in Targu Jiu.

Vóór die tijd wil Patricia nog graag vele sterilisaties uitvoeren, maar hiervoor heeft ze onze en jullie hulp hard nodig. Hoe meer mensen er op de gratis sterilisatie dagen afkomen, hoe meer geld er nodig is. Maar ook; hoe succesvoller de campagnes zijn.

En de mensen komen, steeds meer en meer ... Op alle mogelijke manieren, in de meest uiteenlopende vervoersmiddelen en de dieren ”verpakt” op uiteenlopende manieren, zie de foto’s.

Steeds vaker begrijpen ook deze mensen dat sterilisatie de beste oplossing is.

Kunnen wij er samen voor zorgen dat dr. Patricia en haar team de overige maanden van dit jaar, tot de kou invalt, dóór kan gaan met alle geplande campagnes? Zodat niet alleen de zwerfhonden- en katten op straat, maar ook de dieren mèt een eigenaar en de dieren in de shelters geholpen kunnen worden.

Hoe mooi zou het zijn als mede door jullie hulp er duizenden puppy’s en kittens minder geboren gaan worden! Puppy's en kittens die anders een ellendig leven of een wisse dood tegemoet gaan ...

Facebook pagina

Wij sluiten ons aan bij de woorden van Patricia :

I strongly believe that spay, microchipping, education and information campaigns are the most important weapons to fight animal abandons and killing. It is the best way to solve the stray problem!

Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat sterilisaties, chippen, educatie en informatiecampagnes de belangrijkste wapens zijn om het achterlaten en doden van dieren tegen te gaan. Het is de beste manier om het zwerfdierenprobleem op te lossen.

Zullen we ervoor gaan??


Je kunt deze dieren direct helpen door een bedrag over te maken naar:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 t.n.v. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Klein Project 111’

en wij zorgen dat je donatie echt alleen voor dit hulpproject besteed zal worden.

Bij ons is er geen aftrek voor salarissen, huisvesting of overbodige franje.

Of doneer via onderstaande knoppen:


Streefbedrag: 3.500 euro - Stand per 27 augustus: 270 euro


29 augustus - Nog maar net van start gegaan en gelijk al een heel mooi bedrag ervoor binnengekomen! Heel erg bedankt! Gelukkig zien steeds meer mensen het nut en de noodzaak van sterilisaties in. Daarmee pak je immers de kern van de zwerfdierenproblematiek aan en voorkom je geboortes van heel veel nestjes pups en kittens die na een half jaar ook alweer nakomelingen kunnen voortbrengen.

Week t/m 27 aug.: 270 euro

Aid project 170

Animals in trouble due to storms.

Aid project 170 - August 2023.

So many followers on Facebook, so many self-proclaimed true animal lovers… I see them pass by, but it seems that I am invisible to them. Me with my almost 400 dogs, none of us are seen.

This is how Laura Calugaru sees the world from her shelter in Romania. Maybe the people outside the shelter think her world is more beautiful than it is?

But Laura works 24/7 with only 2 volunteers who want to be ready on time. Laura doesn't have that choice.

Even greater are the concerns whether she can feed all the animals today. And tomorrow ... and the day after tomorrow ... The lack of donations gives her and every animal helper constant nightmares.

Enlarge images when you click on them. (Not on mobile)

And at times, Laura literally feels sick. Like when 'people' threw 9 puppies over her 2-meter-high fence. Without mercy or shame. That frustrates her enormously:

“Is a sterilisation too expensive for you? In six months, your dog will be pregnant again, and you will carelessly throw her children away again. Then don't throw them over the fence, but come to the gate and give them to me neatly.

Or even better: come with your dog and I will sterilise her because it is also to my advantage if I do that. Now I have 9 pups that each need to be vaccinated 3 times. I have the costs of deworming, microchipping, food and - if they are not adopted - sterilisations and more food…”

For anyone who now thinks: 'then you shouldn't take so many animals' the following. Rescuers - the name says it all: rescuers - don't 'take' animals, they save them.

Because even if no animals are thrown over the fence, Laura saves animals from the public municipal shelter if she can even for a moment.

If you have never been to such a municipal shelter, you have no idea what goes on there. You can go there today (if you have a strong stomach) and then again in 2 or 3 weeks to see if you find another one the same. Dozens of dogs disappear every week. They are all euthanized.

They are taken out of the kennels by the guards and walk along obediently. Waving their tails hopefully, they walk to their deaths.

And no, please don't tell the poor animals in advance, but a syringe is considered a waste of money there ...

The stray dogs around Hunedoara have 3 options. Laura's shelter, the street or the municipal shelter. The latter shelter offers the animal 2 weeks the chance of adoption, otherwise death awaits. The street offers an animal only pain and suffering. And Laura's shelter is far from perfect, but at least it offers a decent life. For more than 1000 lucky people in recent years. Unfortunately, the animals cannot choose for themselves…

Finding out in the killing station who can come along is a torment every time. Which do you choose, HOW do you choose? All dog eyes are on you! They bark at the loudest: “take me… take me…”

Whichever you choose, it feels so unfair to the others. So you don't walk out of the gate with a satisfied feeling, because you were able to save a few. No, you walk out of the gate with a stone in your stomach and a huge sense of guilt. You have NOT been able to save so many, and all those heads stay with you. Days, weeks, some years…

All dogs are equal to Laura, so she doesn't choose them for looks.

Because no animal deserves to die without even the slightest chance of happiness.

Without help and donations, Laura was only able to save 5 dogs this time ☹

With our help, there can be more.

Unfortunately, it won't all have a happy ending, but hey, you'll be one of those lucky ones

And then the project is written. It remains for us to find nice, sweet or emotional photos. And then … this happens in the middle of July: heavy storms and downpours tear the roofs off the kennels. The dogs are terrified, Laura perhaps most of all. Now that the storm is over, the animals are without any shelter in temperatures above 40 degrees. In September, the torrential rains of autumn arrive again. Laura tries to pull herself together. The roof is damaged beyond repair. Check out the havoc on her Facebook:

A new roof must be installed, preferably as soon as possible. But… there is no money. Even the little food that was left has been destroyed. How much misery and adversity can one person handle? Please help again.

You can help these animals directly by transferring an amount to:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 Attn. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Aid project 170'

And we ensure that your donation will really only be used for this aid project.

With us there is no deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.

Or donate via the button below:

Target amount: 8,500 euros - Balance as at 27 August 2023: 7,779 euros


August 29 - Another very nice weekly yield! Thank you! Hopefully the target amount will also be reached in the coming days.

August 21st- Unbelievable... we paused for a moment at the mighty wonderful total amount that came in this week for the aid project of the month.... What was written in Tuesday's Newsletter has you apparently they were all very excited, so that so much was donated. But of course it's also horrible to have to make impossible choices about which dog to take/buy out at a killing shelter and which one to leave because you don't have space or money... Laura unfortunately has to make these choices very often. And then there was that terrible storm. With this huge amount she will at least be able to have the roof repaired, buy extra food and hopefully also be able to get many more hopeless animals out of the animal shelter. Laura probably has to read the amount herself a few times to believe what has already come in. We hope that we will also (well) reach the target amount in the next week and a half - that will surely give her a lot of strength and energy. In any case, THANK YOU very much for this fantastic weekly yield!

August 14 - Super, almost two thousand euros in total donations have already been received for Laura! Tomorrow the Newsletter will be published in which this project will be put in the spotlight, so we hope to be able to note an even better amount next week. So that if Laura reads all this, it will give hope and make her happy, and hopefully she can get started soon with the preparations for the repair of the roof and a stock of food can also be bought.

August 7th - A new month, a new aid project. Shortly after it was written, disaster struck. Enormous storms destroyed the entire roof and the feed was no longer usable. Hopefully with your support this month we will succeed in raising a wonderful amount, so that the roof can be repaired quickly and food can be bought from it. And so much more that is necessary... At least a nice start this first week. Thank you very much!

until 6 August: 894 euros
up to and including 13 August: 1004 euros
until 20 Aug.: 5031 euros



Cats eating in room

HP169 – 600 cats in need on Skopelos

600 katten op Skopelos.

Hulpproject 169 - juli 2023.

Skopelos is not the most famous island of Greece, it is also not so massively visited by tourists in the summer.

But those who come often want to feed the many cats. But in winter, when all hotels and restaurants are closed, only a few old people are left behind.

Some of those ladies (well, most of them are women) try to help the cats with their own meagre allowance. Unfortunately, there are many stray cats and few ladies …

When Natasa Lambrogianni came to the island in 2011, she was completely shocked. So many strays, dogs and cats, big and small but all in need. They were mistreated, half-starved, sick, injured…

Enlarge images when you click on them. (Not on mobile)

According to Greek law, the government is responsible for the care of stray animals, but don't be surprised: they did zero point zero. They still don't, by the way.

In fact, there was not even a vet on the island at the time. If Natasa needed a doctor for treatment or sterilization, she had to travel all the way to Athens.

A lot has changed since we first spoke to Natasa. Especially in the number of animals that Natasa passes by every day.

She takes care of – almost on her own – 500 to 600 cats and 60 dogs. A staggering number.

And no, they are not all in a large shelter, Natasa does not have that. In addition, these cats are simply happier when they are free.

They were born that way, and they want to stay that way. And that is fine if someone drives around daily, provides food and observes the animals with a trained eye.

Her own house now houses 32 very old dogs and many cats. The latter are, without exception, cats with a deficiency or disease that can no longer survive in the wild.

The rest of the huge number walk through the streets and in the wider area. Skopelos also has many mountainous areas where no one ever goes.

Fortunately Natasa does. Every day she drives at least 40 km to feed and monitor all those groups. And especially to water. Without water, no cat would last 3 days in the summer.

She has 60 (!) feeding places on the way. And everywhere it is crawling with cats waiting for her.

It is then not easy to spot an animal that looks worse than a few days ago and now needs help.

Some animals are already familiar with her and also allow her to give some medicine or antibiotics if they are injured by prickly bushes or by mutual fights. But most cats are unapproachable, never used to a human hand.

It is therefore difficult to catch those animals to have them sterilized. Still, it will have to be: there are already too many of them…

On her route, Natasa also stops at the chain dogs. They are always the same dogs that lie helplessly stuck all their lives, often without shelter but with an owner who doesn't look after them and even forgets to give them food and water.

How incredibly important a woman like Natasa is on Skopelos. In the past, 2 volunteers have signed up to take over part of the route from her. But as so often, they quickly gave up…

While you and I think, 'how can you? Can't you see with your own eyes how much the animals need you? Then you can't just abandon them, can you?' But still, apparently not everyone thinks the same ...

There is an urgent need for more sterilization and, one way or another, more food.

And so Natasa hopes – and so do we, of course – that the dear donors of the Dierennood foundation will come to her aid.

Just a moment: Just before we were about to send this project to the webmaster, we wanted to ask one more question. And we got a crying Natasa on the phone.

She was sad, one of her old dogs had just died. We find that so characteristic of a true animal friend.

She has so many animals, and yet she grieves for one…

You can help these animals directly by transferring an amount to:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 for. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Aid Project 169'

And we ensure that your donation will really only be used for this aid project.

With us there is no deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.

Or donate via the button below:

Streefbedrag: 8.000 euro - Stand per 2 juli: 659 euro

Alle donaties voor dit speciale kattenproject willen wij echt heel hartelijk bedanken!

3 juli - Best wel uniek denk ik, dat nu zowel het enige actieve Kleine Project als het Hulpproject voor deze maand beiden voor zwerfkatten in nood bestemd is. In de slechts twee eerste dagen van juli mochten wij gelukkig al een mooi bedrag noteren! Zeer bedankt daarvoor en laten wij hopen dat dit een voorbode is van een zeer geslaagd project voor die vele honderden arme en vaak zwaar zieke zwerfkatjes op dat moeizame Griekse eiland ...

t/m 2 juli: 659 euro

Neglected horse

HP168 – Help for stray horses and donkeys in Egypt

About stray horses and stray donkeys.

Aid Project 168 - June 2023.

Working horses and donkeys are the most mistreated and abused animals in the world…

These animals have a very hard existence. There is little compassion in their daily lives. The animals are used at a young age for – much too – heavy work. Loads are placed on their backs that almost make them fall through their legs, or they have to pull carts that are overloaded.


Add to this the high work pressure without moments of rest, the whiplashes and the hours in the blazing sun without enough food or drink and you can imagine that the animals literally drop down on a regular basis. There is little empathy for the hard workers, they are only seen as tools.

Enlarge images when you click on them. (Not on mobile)

When that work is no longer possible, they are left to die on the rubbish dump, in a ditch along the road or simply on the street. And then you can safely speak of stray horses and stray donkeys …

Australian couple Jill and Warren Barton are avid horse lovers and wanted to do something good for horses in need more than 10 years ago. That is how they ended up in Egypt where they started volunteering in a horse shelter there.

Everything they thought they knew about animal suffering was completely nullified by seeing the indescribable suffering with their own eyes.

Back in Australia, they couldn't get the horrific conditions out of their minds. And so they exchanged their, then luxurious, existence to devote themselves entirely to helping horses and donkeys.

From scratch, they have set up an independently operating animal clinic and shelter in Giza that focuses on the local working animals in Cairo and the surrounding area. They work with volunteers and are actually volunteers themselves.

They take care of sick and injured, abused and severely neglected horses and donkeys. They treat them and educate the owners so that the animals will hopefully have a better future.

After all, the population is poor, and they desperately need the animals themselves to guarantee some income. It is in their own interest to spare the animals more and to keep them healthy for longer.

Egypt Equine Aid (EEA) works together with veterinarians from more developed countries who also have the task of training and retraining Egyptian veterinarians, the knowledge of Egyptian veterinarians is usually not that good. For example, they often work with dirty needles, which causes the animals to contract tetanus.

In Egypt alone there are an estimated 3 million (!) horses and donkeys that are used for transport, (agricultural) construction and tourism. Yes, even in the tourism sector, there is still a lot to improve. As long as tourists continue to use horses and donkey rides in and around the pyramids, the work of EEA will continue to be much needed. Under the colourful saddle, the back is often completely raw and under that cheerful nose band, the skin is often deeply carved.

Most people in Egypt believe that animals do not suffer pain. Unimaginable right? As long as the animal can still stand and walk somewhat, they must continue. If necessary with beatings and beatings.

Yet another and equally persistent problem that the team often faces is the superstitions and cultural traditions in society. For example, to ward off evil, a rusty nail is stuck in the skin or pieces of rope are pulled through the skin. Wounds, deliberately inflicted by branding or cuts in the skin are supposed to cure disease… You would say they have learned over time that the wounds only get infected and no animal has ever benefited from it… but no, it doesn't seem to be learned from it.

Education and information about their working animals is therefore desperately needed to improve the bond between humans and animals. EEA's tireless volunteers are doing everything possible to bring about some improvement.

In all those years they have been able to help thousands of horses and donkeys.

On average, about 75 (!) animals per day. The local population is getting better at finding them and sometimes after days of walking with an injured animal, often standing or lying on a cart, they come to the clinic. The most common problems that the doctors and volunteers encounter are: malnutrition, dehydration, gastrointestinal problems due to poor nutrition, exhaustion, tetanus infections, open wounds, skin disorders, hoof disorders and broken limbs. A long list… We struggled to find photos with the project that wouldn't be too shocking. Animals must be put to sleep every day that arrive in such a bad condition that they can no longer be saved, euthanasia is then the only option after they have, if possible, been able to enjoy a nice meal and rest and love.

There is also a shelter next to the clinic. For some horses and donkeys, that means a nice, quiet old age. She is so gifted!

Furthermore, the EEA distributes grooming supplies such as well-fitting halters, soft nose bands, fly masks, horse blankets and saddle blankets to prevent the risk of injury. And they provide additional training to Egyptian veterinarians and veterinary students and caregivers.

Is it necessary to mention that the clinic is short of money and only thrives on donations?

It is appalling what is going on there, but they are doing fantastic work under very difficult circumstances, and they have been able to achieve so much in recent years.

Very clever in a country like Egypt.

The couple is therefore described as very skilled, very loving and very motivated.

But it is a long way to better living conditions for the animals and help is desperately needed every day.

Only a limited number of animals can be helped, but so many more workhorses and donkeys need help. From U.S.!

Egypt Equine Aid daily involves donors and followers in their work and developments through social media. So you can see their amazing work for yourself via their Facebook and Website

You can help these animals directly by transferring an amount to:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 for. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Aid project 168'

And we ensure that your donation will really only be used for this aid project.

With us there is no deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.

Or donate via the button below:

Target amount: 10,000 euros - Balance as at 19 June: 6.208 euros

We would like to thank all donors for their support for this aid project!

June 19th - In this month's newsletter, there was an extensive but also clear piece about the great needs for thousands of poor working donkeys and ditto horses. Fortunately, this has appealed to many of you and many thanks for the beautiful donations! We are just over halfway, shall we try to reach the target amount of 10 grand??

June 12 - Probably because of the 'competition' from the major flood disaster in Ukraine, this aid project received a little less money, but next week we hope for a good yield again, since we will be paying extensive attention to this questions in our June newsletter.

June 5th - Well, dear people, that's a wonderful start! And actually, this project intended for those large horses and donkeys should also yield quite a bit more than an average aid project for the much smaller and slightly less expensive dogs or cats. So a great start to a hopefully 'well over 10 grand' aid project!

As of 4 June - 2,205 euros
As of June 11 - 1,341 euros
As of June 18 - 2,662 euros

100 sick puppies in Romania – Aid project 167

100 sick puppies for Elena

Aid project 167 - May 2023.

Another rescuer in dire need in Romania.

Animal helpers in the Eastern Bloc countries regularly let us know that they are ashamed of the mentality in their country. On the one hand it is bitter when people talk about their homeland like that, but on the other hand we know all too well how difficult it is made for people who do have a heart for animals.

Take Elena Surubariu for example. In Barbosi, Vaslui. She has a monthly salary of 600 euros and 270 dogs, 170 of which are puppies!!! Which now also all get bigger, have to be vaccinated and dewormed three times, then all have to be sterilised… and in the end there is little chance that they will be adopted because 'they have already become too old…'

And then we read the cry for help on her Facebook : Help us with food for the puppies with Parvo, there will be nothing left in 2 days, no detergents, no food for the sick, the elderly, please help us, it's cold and snowing, they need fire and food, please… It cuts you to the soul… right?

How we would love to be able to write a cheerful project for a change. One that gives you and us a happy feeling.

But no, a large proportion of pet owners do not see the benefit of sterilisation or prefer to spend their money on something else. And so the population of stray animals continues to grow, especially in the spring.

Elena is all alone. Her only happiness is the help of a veterinarian friend, Dr. Catalin Gramada. Who often treats her animals for a small price.
She only helped her when a lot of puppies with the dangerous disease Parvo came to her. A total of almost 100 sick animals! A bizarre number! A large part of the little ones could be saved thanks to Dr. Catalin, but the bill of 870 euros is still open.

Incidentally, there is no vet in her own small village. Elena has to travel a long way again and again.

And just imagine, Parvo is a contagious disease. All those sick puppies have camped in her house to prevent more animals from becoming infected.

In addition, she also has those who will never be eligible for adoption in and around her house all year round. Those with a chronic disease, e.g. liver or kidney failure. Adopters are shocked by the price of the required diet food. Even though it is known that a dog with adapted food can still grow old 'healthily'. And Elena will also have to purchase that more expensive food. She has no choice. Then there are the blind or deaf dogs, the disabled … And of course the larger dogs and the so-called 'less beautiful'. Come on people, every animal has something nice if you look closely. Nice ears, sweet eyes, a funny walk... Look further than your nose is long!

Still, it would be a party for Elena if some of the cute - now perfectly healthy - puppies found a home. There are several on her Facebook with the caption, 'I need love and a home. Please adopt me'.

Elena does her very best, we also hear that from the people who know her well. She never complains (how is she supposed to find time for that?) and is happiest when the enclosures have had a major overhaul and the animals have been provided with food and medicine.

Then she tries to forget for a moment that it is still uncertain whether she will still have food next week. Donations are scarce and rarely enough. She had to handwash all the dog blankets and blankets for a while. On her knees with cold water. Only recently did she buy a small washing machine with borrowed(!) money.

Elena really lives under primitive circumstances and her own body unfortunately regularly fails. We are really worried about her…

The quality of the photos is not optimal. Elena's house is old and dark, and so is her cell phone…

She herself says that she simply cannot do otherwise; the animals often cannot take care of themselves, nor can they ask us anything. “I love them very much for their faithfulness, loyalty, purity and integrity. That is also what I get back from them. All those animals that have been thrown over the fence in sacks that I have found bloodied, run over or sick, the old blind and deaf dog that was put on the street at the end of its life, the little puppy that was tortured with a fork and who needed 8 stitches at the vet…all those animals…to my last gasp I will love them.”

How we would like to put a heart to such a beautiful person. One time, we know. But a one-time donation from us with love may give her enough strength to be able to continue for a while...
For the benefit of all those animals that we from the Netherlands can only help in one way. By giving them a donation.

You can help these animals directly by transferring an amount to:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 in the name of Stichting Dierennood stating 'Auxiliary project 167'

And we ensure that your donation will really only be used for this aid project.

With us there is no deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.

Or donate via the button below:

Target amount: 9,000 euros - Balance as at 29 May: 8.865 euros

We would like to thank all donors for their support for this aid project

May 29 - Fortunately, things are still going very well, dear animal friends! We still have 3 days to reach the target amount! Let's hope so!

May 22 - Fantastic, dear people! Following on from this month's newsletter, Elena received a great deal this past weekend! Oh how happy she will be that all the way in that distant Netherlands and Belgium, there are sweet animal friends who DO want to help her...

May 15 - Last week was a bit less unfortunately. But we will pay extra attention to it this week in our monthly general newsletter.

May 8 - The first real week is over and many nice donations came in. But we're going for a big total yield, so put it on, dear people!

Week until 1 May: 100 euros
Week up to and including 8 May: 1,560 euros
Week until May 14: 1,012 euros
Week to May 21: 3,533 euros
Week until May 28: 2,660 euros


100 zieke pupjes voor Elena

Hulpproject 167 - mei 2023.

Opnieuw een rescuer in grote nood in Roemenië.

Met enige regelmaat laten dierenhelpers in de Oostbloklanden ons weten dat ze zich schamen voor de mentaliteit in hun land. Aan de ene kant is het wrang als mensen zo over hun vaderland praten maar aan de andere kant weten wij maar al te goed hoe moeilijk het de mensen wordt gemaakt die wel een hart voor dieren hebben.

Neem nou Elena Surubariu. In Barbosi, Vaslui. Ze heeft een maandsalaris van 600 euro en 270 honden, waarvan 170 pups!!! Die dus nu óók allemaal groter worden, drie keer moeten worden gevaccineerd en ontwormd, dan allemaal moeten worden gesteriliseerd… en uiteindelijk is er weinig kans dat ze worden geadopteerd omdat ‘ze al te oud zijn geworden …’

En dan lezen we op haar Facebook de noodkreet: Help ons met eten voor de pups met Parvo, er is over 2 dagen niets meer, geen wasmiddelen, geen voedsel voor zieken, ouderen, help ons, alsjeblieft, het is koud en het sneeuwt, ze hebben vuur en voedsel nodig, alsjeblieft … Het snijdt je door de ziel … toch?

Wat zouden wij graag ter afwisseling eens een vrolijk project kunnen schrijven. Zo één die jullie en ons een blij gevoel geeft.

Maar nee, een groot deel van de huisdiereigenaren ziet het nut van sterilisatie niet in of men geeft hun geld liever aan iets anders uit. En dus groeit de populatie zwerfdieren almaar verder, vooral in het voorjaar.

Elena staat er helemaal alleen voor. Haar enige geluk is de hulp van een bevriende dierenarts, Dr. Catalin Gramada. Die vaak voor een klein prijsje haar dieren behandelt.
Die heeft haar pas nog geholpen toen er heel veel pups met de gevaarlijke ziekte Parvo bij haar binnenkwamen. In totaal bijna 100 zieke diertjes! Een bizar aantal! Een groot deel van de kleintjes kon worden gered dankzij die dr. Catalin maar de rekening van 870 euro staat nog open.

Overigens, er zit geen dierenarts in haar eigen kleine dorp. Steeds weer moet Elena een heel eind reizen.

En stel je eens voor, Parvo is een besmettelijke ziekte. Al die zieke pups hebben in haar huis gebivakkeerd om te voorkomen dat er nog meer dieren besmet zouden raken.

Daarnaast heeft ze het hele jaar door ook diegene die nooit voor adoptie in aanmerking zullen komen in en rond haar huis. Degene met een chronische ziekte, bv. lever- of nierfalen. Adoptanten schrikken van de prijs van het benodigde dieetvoer. Ook al weet men dat een hond met aangepast voer toch ‘gezond’ oud kan worden. En dat duurdere voer zal Elena óók moeten aanschaffen. Ze heeft geen keus. Dan zijn er nog de blinde of juist dove honden, de gehandicapte … En natuurlijk de grotere honden en de zogenaamde ‘minder mooie’. Kom nou mensen, elk dier heeft iets leuks als je maar goed kijkt. Leuke oortjes, lieve ogen, een grappig loopje … Kijk eens verder dan je neus lang is!

Maar toch, het zou al een feestje voor Elena zijn als er een paar van de schattige – inmiddels kerngezonde – pupjes een thuis zouden vinden. Er staan er een aantal op haar Facebook met het bijschrift: ‘I need love and a home. Please adopt me’.

Elena doet ontzettend haar best, dat horen wij evengoed van de mensen die haar goed kennen. Ze klaagt nooit (hoe zou ze daar tijd voor moeten vinden?) en is het gelukkigst als de verblijven een grote beurt hebben gehad en de dieren van eten en hun medicijnen zijn voorzien.

Dan probeert ze voor heel even te vergeten dat het nog onzeker is of ze vólgende week nog wel voer heeft. Donaties zijn schaars en zelden genoeg. Ze heeft een tijdlang alle hondendekjes en dekens op de hand moeten wassen. Op haar knieën met koud water. Pas onlangs heeft ze met geleend(!) geld een kleine wasmachine gekocht.

Elena leeft echt onder primitieve omstandigheden en haar eigen lichaam laat het helaas regelmatig afweten. We maken ons werkelijk zorgen om haar …

De kwaliteit van de foto’s is niet optimaal. Elena’s huisje is oud en donker en zo is het ook gesteld met haar mobieltje …

Zelf vertelt ze dat ze gewoon niet anders kan; de dieren kunnen vaak niet voor zichzelf zorgen, ze kunnen ons ook niets vragen. “Ik hou ontzettend van ze om hun trouw, loyaliteit, zuiverheid en integriteit. Dat is ook wat ik van hen terug ontvang. Al die dieren die in zakken over het hek zijn gesmeten, die ik bebloed, overreden of ziek gevonden heb, de oude blinde en dove hond die aan het eind van zijn leven op straat werd gezet, de kleine pup die met een vork gemarteld werd en die 8 hechtingen bij de dierenarts nodig had … al die dieren … tot mijn laatste snik zal ik van ze houden.”

Wat zouden wij graag zo’n mooi mens een hart onder de riem steken. Eénmalig, we weten het. Maar éénmalig een met liefde gegeven donatie van ons zal haar misschien voldoende kracht geven om weer een tijdlang voort te kunnen…
Ten bate van al die dieren die wij vanuit Nederland maar op één manier kunnen helpen. Door hen een donatie te gunnen.

Je kunt deze dieren direct helpen door een bedrag over te maken naar:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 t.n.v. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Hulpproject 167’

En wij zorgen dat je donatie echt alleen voor dit hulpproject besteed zal worden.

Bij ons is er geen aftrek voor salarissen, huisvesting of overbodige franje.

Of doneer via onderstaande knoppen:

Streefbedrag: 9.000 euro - Stand per 30 april: 100 euro

KP106 – Sterilisatie marathon Roemenië

Hoe red je duizenden zwerfhonden
van een ellendig bestaan?

Klein project 106 - april 2023.

Door er 20 (!) te castreren waardoor er duizenden niet geboren hoeven te worden in een, voor hen, vijandige omgeving.

Jullie weten dat wij, Dierennood, heel erg achter sterilisaties staan. En gelukkig begrijpen steeds meer mensen de noodzaak daarvan.

Jazeker, wij helpen zoveel mogelijk de dieren die het NU hard nodig hebben. Maar het zou zo fijn zijn als er in de nabije toekomst minder dieren zouden zijn die onze hulp nodig hebben, toch?

Daarom steunen wij dit keer Dutch Animal Care met de sterilisatie van zwerfdieren in Roemenië.

Hun motto is: ‘dweilen heeft alleen zin als de kraan dicht is …’ En ja, groot gelijk. Sterilisatie van zwerfhonden en zwerfkatten is uiteindelijk de enige manier om het aantal zwerfdieren op termijn naar beneden te brengen.

Het Nederlandse Dutch Animal Care organiseert al jaren speciale sterilisatie-marathons in Roemenië. Zo worden elke maand ongeveer 35 honden gesteriliseerd in Sascut/Adjut. En ook elke maand 45 honden en 20 katten in Bacau.

100 dieren dus, elke maand, die niet meer bijdragen aan het zwerfdierenprobleem in Roemenië. Gesponsord door Dutch Animal Care! Maar nu hebben ze in mei grootse plannen. Waaraan Dierennood graag wil meewerken.

Een sterilisatiemarathon waarin in 4 dagen tijd hónderden honden steriel zullen worden gemaakt door een heel team aan dierenartsen. Dat betekent dat duizenden pups een ellendig leven bespaard zal blijven.

Denk je eens in: elke gesteriliseerde teef is weer een doos of zak minder gedumpte pups langs de kant van de weg, in het bos, bij een vuilcontainer …

De marathon zal gehouden worden in de Roemeense plaats Comanesti. De lokale politie is daar van deur tot deur gegaan om mensen 3 maanden de tijd te geven om hun honden te laten helpen. Doen ze dit niet dan lopen ze het risico op een boete.

Daarom willen de dierenartsen van Green Vetcare uit Boekarest deze mensen de gelegenheid geven om hun dieren te brengen. En natuurlijk om daarmee het massaal dumpen van de pups te voorkomen. En wellicht kan zo’n bijzonder evenement een startsein zijn om mensen te doordringen van de noodzaak van sterilisatie en om meer dierenwelzijn te stimuleren.

Het team dierenartsen past de zogenaamde ‘key-hole-techniek’ toe. Het woord zegt het al: ‘sleutelgattechniek’. Keyhole sterilisatie is laparoscopisch steriliseren. Hierbij gaan een camera en instrumenten via kleine snedes de buikholte in. Het is dus te vergelijken met een kijkoperatie waarbij de wondjes veel kleiner zijn en de dierenarts niet met de handen in de buik hoeft. Hierdoor is de ingreep minder pijnlijk, is de kans op complicaties kleiner en zal de hond sneller genezen.

Eigenlijk hoopt Dutch Animal Care op een totaal van 10.000 euro om alle grote plannen te verwezenlijken.

Dat gaan we niet halen, als Dierennood zijnde … Maar misschien kunnen we wel een kwart inzamelen? Denk je eens in: hoeveel leed zal dat gaan schelen?

Wij staan he-le-maal achter de sterilisatie-marathon. En jullie???


Tja … en toen moesten we foto’s kiezen. Er staan er honderden op de Facebook van Dutch Animal Care. Honderden bewijzen van hun geweldige werk.

We laten er twéé zien. En verder kiezen we voor ‘gezelliger’ plaatjes.

Maar kijk gerust op hun FACEBOOK wat de mensen achter de stichting voor geweldige resultaten boeken.


Wij zijn fan vanaf het eerste uur!!

Je kunt deze dieren direct helpen door een bedrag over te maken naar:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 t.n.v. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Klein Project 106’

en wij zorgen dat je donatie echt alleen voor dit hulpproject besteed zal worden.

Bij ons is er geen aftrek voor salarissen, huisvesting of overbodige franje.

Of doneer via onderstaande knoppen:

Streefbedrag: 2.500 euro - Stand per 30 april: 680 euro


1 mei - Fantastisch, lieve mensen, wat een mooi begin van dit nieuwe 'kleine' project, maar met ongelooflijk grote en heel goede gevolgen!

Week t/m 30 apr. - 680 euro