A voice for all animals in India.
Patiala is a district in the state of Punjab, India. Here Pankaj Arora and his team 'Guardians of all Voiceless' literally make the difference between life and death.
Between hope and despair! The meaning is therefore: the protectors of all who are voiceless… Beautifully chosen name for a beautiful foundation.
Guardians of all Voiceless not only offers help to the wide variety of animals that live on the streets there, but, very special (!), also to the children of the most underprivileged and underprivileged families.
Click on the photos to enlarge. (not on mobile phones)
We only work with volunteers. We do not deduct salaries, offices,
expensive cars or unnecessary frills. Every penny goes to the animals.
Pankaj and his team of 14 Guardians are also doing a fantastic job for them here. As much as possible, he tries to motivate children and young adults to join his Guardians. For these children, who are often just as homeless as the animals themselves, this involvement is therapeutic and makes them stronger and more resilient.
These people are the eyes and ears on the street and report if they find a sick, injured or abused animal. They stay with the animal until help arrives and try to reassure it in the meantime. Under the guidance of a Guardian, some can quickly lend a hand in the treatment. In this way, education contributes to a future with – hopefully – less animal suffering and more respect for all living creatures.
Of course there is a small reward for this, a meal for the youngest and the poorest. A contribution to help the older children go to school. So here the knife cuts both ways.
Depending on the severity of the condition, the animal is treated on the street and returned or, after first aid, is taken to a clinic or to the Guardians' own shelter.
There they work tirelessly 7 days a week to help all cases.
Most animals are found in critical conditions. Hit by a car, with contagious diseases, neglected or with congenital disorders and abnormalities. It also often involves mistreatment, abuse and negligence or simply harassment. Animals found with tight rubber bands around the neck. Whether or not already grown in!
This is one of the reasons why Pankaj not only cares for the animals, but also advocates for public education and social awareness about compassion and empathy for the animals.
The busiest times are the seasons of parvo outbreaks and maggot infestations on animals with wounds that have sometimes wandered for weeks without any help. Like little Sonu, his ear badly wounded and full of maggots. Sonu was found by a local Guardian and luckily could be helped. He is now completely healthy again.
The Guardians' shelter is far too small and is bursting at the seams due to the large number of rescued animals that cannot immediately or may never return to the streets. Their dream is therefore to be able to buy a larger piece of land so that even more animals can be rescued and cared for. More money for sterilisations is also a big wish of the team. We could lend a helping hand to make these dreams come true. How nice would that be!

Because money is not always available, you often have to improvise or think of smart and effective solutions.
Leave that to the Guardians:
Summers are very hot in this part of India. This creates a major problem for the animals that have to survive on the street. Frequently they have to search for a long time for a place where there is some water.
A solution was quickly devised. Donors could sponsor a bowl of water for 3 euros. Volunteers were sought and found to distribute these bins throughout the district and to keep them watered and clean again and again. The animals enjoy it and many lives are saved as a result. A simple example of what is possible when one joins forces.
We all understand that all these animals, the hard work and all the big and small wishes of the Guardians need a lot of help. From us, from you and from many others.
The organisation runs entirely on the help of donations. Can we please provide a wonderful amount of money that allows Pankaj and his team to continue their fantastic and much needed work? For both the animals and the children?
In a country like India, people like Pankaj and his team are indispensable!
Target amount: 6,000 euros - Balance as at 25 Sep.: 5,522 euros
September 26 – Very well, dear animal lovers! We are creeping towards our target amount… We still have 5 days to do it… Put it on!
Sep 19 – /strong>It was another great week, dear animal friends! We're already over halfway. This wonderful project is highly recommended!
Sep 12 – Another beautiful week for this incredibly hard work of these great animal helpers and rescuers in the oh so difficult and red-hot country of India! Please keep it up!
5 Sep. – Nice start, dear people! But this is a very large and tear-jerking aid project in what I think is the most difficult country for stray animals: India…
Week to Sep 4: 1,496 euros
Week to Sept. 11: 1,254 euros
Week to September 19: 1,526 euros
Week to 25 Sep.: 1,246 euros