A 'life project' in Morocco

Aid Project 161 – November 2022

Tangier, the capital of Morocco, is home to about 300,000 stray dogs and an even larger number of cats. Just in that one – big – city!

Salima (Sally) Kadaoui, a Moroccan-British woman couldn't stand it, everywhere she looked she saw skinny bodies, lame legs, mange, injuries and then also the brutal way in which the population gave the already frightened animals another kick .

So she brought animal after animal into her sister's house. But 50 dogs doesn't make much of a difference to those large numbers on the street. There had to be more.. She didn't have to think for a long time.

Sally sold all her possessions in England and started a real 'sanctuary', a place where dogs are not kept in kennels or cages, but can run, play and enjoy their dog life together with other dogs.

After all these years, there is still no running water in the shelter. There is a well, but it is regularly dry. The summers are hot and there is hardly any rain. Water must then be purchased, and 100 euros per week is certainly not a high estimate. We wonder how they keep getting it all done. What a job: watering all those animals, doing the laundry, keeping the grounds clean… With buckets?

But more than 650 dogs still make little difference in the large numbers that live on the streets. She pondered how she could do even more for them. And again the picture was soon clear to her.

It resulted in project Hayat, 'the project of life'.

That means a huge and important sterilization project for dogs and cats. Catch, sterilize and return to their pack or group. Plus that the animals are treated against worms, fleas and also vaccinated.

An incredibly large and important 'life project' and that in a country like Morocco!

Certainly no less important is the rabies vaccination. The fear of rabies is deeply ingrained in people's minds and is one of the reasons that animals are killed en masse.

Sally also tries to warm up the residents in the neighborhood where there has been a sterilization campaign to take care of the animals. And to report if they think an animal needs medical attention.

And did we mention that all those animals are also regularly fed at her expense?

Over the years, more than 3200 (!) animals have had this sterilisation, 12% of the entire population in Tangier. We have great respect for that huge number, for the strength and courage of one woman in the face of a largely hostile population.

But despite all efforts, the work is far from done. Many thousands more are yet to come. Recently she learned that the city council had decided to even catch dogs with a 'tag' in their ear, which were healthy, to be killed.

She and a number of other volunteers immediately took in more than 150 of those dogs in her shelter… Literally managed to prevent death. But yes…. another 150 mouths to feed…


Sara Moussaoui lives in the Netherlands, but regularly visits Sally to help. Sometimes for months. She is so well-informed about the ins and outs of SFT that she does the social media for the shelter.

In this way, she tries to gain more awareness and donations. Because, as usual, the government does not show its face.

Sara says, among other things, that she was still in Tangier in August. The number of stray dogs and stray cats was enormous. All desperate for food, water and cooling.

The debts to the vet and the feed manufacturer are also huge, also running into the tens of thousands of euros.

Yet an animal in need can still count on Sally.

And they can continue to do so with a little help from us.

Because vulnerable animals will always need the support of people. From someone like Sally, who rightly says, I have no choice, I have to ask for help: β€œPlease help us feed our animals”.

β€œPlease help us get this food for our babies…”

If it's up to us, that will certainly be fine.

You can help these animals directly by transferring an amount to:

NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 for. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Aid project 161'

and we will make sure that your donation will only be used for this aid project.

With us there is no deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.

Or donate via the button below:

Target amount: 9,000 euros - Balance as at 18 Dec.: 8,802 euros

Dec. 19 - Another 157 euros added this week! I think we will really reach the target amount of 9 grand!

12 Dec. - And another hundred euros on top. Very nice!

5 Dec. - Very nice, dear people! We have reached our target amount and Sally certainly deserves that! Many thanks to all!

Nov. 28 - Wow, dear animal lovers, what a great week for that wonderful Sally! Our newsletter has brought about a lot and thanks to your wonderful donations, this will be a very successful aid project! Are we going to tap the 8 mille??

Nov 21 - We are steadily creeping up and this woman in Morocco deserves that so much! Keep it up please!

Nov. 14 – Thank you for the many donations over the past week. We are at half of the target amount, but of course it can also be higher!

Nov 7 – What a great start to our new monthly project! And we are very happy with that, because this aid project is also intended for literally hundreds of stray animals in a country that is very difficult for animals!


Week to 6 Nov.: 1,442 euros
Week to 13 Nov.: 1,513 euros
Week to November 20: 1,190 euros
Week to November 27: 3,404 euros
Week up to and including 4 Dec.: 1,001 euros
Week until Dec. 11: 95 euros
Week until Dec. 18: 157 euros

Posted in Maandelijkse Hulpacties.

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