Goa / India is one of the most important places on earth to perform as many sterilisations as possible!
Ongoing sterilisation project
We have been in close contact with the Dutch Fionna for almost 10 years, who runs a company in Goa / India together with her husband. In addition to the business concerns, she is also very active in helping injured stray animals and, above all, having many animals sterilised.
To this end, they have set up the Stray Assist project, which they manage and finance (with the proceeds of their small business) in response to the lack of solutions for street animals. They even set up a small private clinic in their own home, which they ask local vets to come and help. They also support a larger local veterinary clinic.
One of the best ways to support Fionna's wonderful work is to fund sterilisations. Every sterilisation prevents unnecessary suffering and improves the life of the dog or cat.
Fionna and her other volunteer work really hard. Even during the holiday period, when they were officially closed, they were busy every day. Something that always lifts and keeps Fionna going is seeing how much better the spayed animals are doing.
We are happy and proud that we already have such excellent contact with this energetic woman in the hectic province of Goa on the west coast of India. She really deserves some help with the very difficult work for hundreds, yes, even thousands of stray animals that they constantly provide medical attention!
Will you please help to sterilise as many animals as possible in India? You can do that for less than €12.50 per animal!
Please make a donation today to:
NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 Attn. Stichting Dierennood o.v.v. 'Stray Assist India'
and we will make sure that your donation will only be used for this aid project.
With us there is no deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.
Or donate via the button below:
Target amount: 4,000 euros - Balance as at 28 August 2022: 2,800 euros
Thanks for the donations for this only place where injured stray animals in Goa and surroundings in India can be helped for free by Fionna and her team! And where a lot of cheap sterilisations can be done with the support of you and all of us…
Because this is such a great favourable and reliable place, where a lot of sterilisations can be performed continuously under the guidance of the Dutch Fionna for a price below 12.50 euros, we will keep this permanently on our website.
All donations for sterilisation that you make for this purpose will prevent more than 1,500 stray animals on the sad streets of India within 3 years! Many thanks in advance on behalf of all those (not being born) animals!
Week to 12 Sep.: 70 euros
Week up to and including 19 Sep.: 3 euros
Week up to and including 26 Sep.: 3 euros
Week until October 3: 15 euros
Week to Oct. 17: 1008 euros
Week to November 7: 158 euros
Week until 23 Jan. '22: 38 euros
Week to 30 Jan.'22: 33 euros
Week until 13 Feb.'22: 30 euros
Week until Feb 20 '22: 35 euros
Week to 27 Feb. '22: 10 euros
Week to 6 March '22: 145 euros
Week up to and including 27 March '22: 30 euros (sale hats on Marketplaces)
Week up to and including 3 April '22: 3 euros
Week until 10 May: 10 euros
Week until 17 July: 13 euros
Week to 31 July: 108 euros
Week to 7 Aug.: 32 euros
Week until 14 August: 50 euros
Week to 21 Aug.: 1,013 euros
Week until 28 Aug.: 23 euros
I’m so glad you made this a permanent project. Sterilization is the only solution for the animal suffering you see everywhere. You can contribute to this project for a small amount, so that someday I hope the suffering will be reduced.
Well said, Anne and we totally agree!
The result of every sterilization of a stray animal that is returned to the same spot on the street after the operation is that within 3 to 4 years 1,500 to 2,000 stray animals are NOT born on those same streets…