Alina saves animals from certain death.
In Romania, Alina Condorachi lives with her 158 dogs in the middle of the mountains, 3 kilometres from the city of Uricani.
Idyllic? Well no. You wouldn't want to live there because her closest neighbour is the Uricani municipal shelter.
One of the many infamous death shelters in Romania. All dogs, including young healthy animals, are ruthlessly killed after 14 days.
We can't call it more beautiful.
Very regularly we come across such messages on Alina's Facebook page: "These twelve dogs have until the end of next week …"
In addition, there are twelve photos or videos with the sweetest faces that, pressed against the bars, beg for attention, or maybe they are begging for their lives because they feel that their end is near.
Again and again we feel a stab in our heart.
Enlarge photos when you click on them. (not on mobile)
How must Alina feel every time she visits the shelter.
With food for the poor little ones who don't get to eat because the guards only feed drips and drabs so that the big and strong dogs steal everything for the small, more scared dogs.
New dogs are brought in almost every day and Alina knows: your time starts now …
If at all possible, she takes out some animals. But then there must be both money and a place in her own shelter.
The latter is just as scarce as the former.
It would be great if there could be more kennels and more pens. Because at the moment, adoptions are a huge problem.
Since the war, at the end of February, not only have all prices doubled, the borders of England have also been closed for months. Foreign animals are not allowed in. At the time of writing this, England has already promised twice that the borders would open again.
But that promise was repeatedly withdrawn. Now the date has been moved to the end of October. We fear the worst for this whole year…
No one seems to want to help the dogs. And if there is no flow, Alina can no longer save dogs.
A true horror, to be confronted every day with so many animals that you can do nothing for.
All those innocent eyes that keep chasing you in your dreams. Well, in your nightmares.

What can we do for these animals? Firstly, money for food. Feed for her own shelter and for the animals in the slaying.
Money for expansion of the kennels with good shelters. Winters in the mountains are very harsh. Alina is regularly cut off from civilization for a while due to heavy snowfall.
Often, when someone sees a dog behind bars on her Facebook, she reacts: "Take this one out, I'll pay the thirty euros that the dog costs.”
Unfortunately, of course, it does not stop at getting an animal out of a kill. Then the animal still needs to be vaccinated, sterilised and often more medical care is needed.
And feed again, perhaps for years to come because no adopter will come for him or her. And all those costs fall only on Alina. The person who ransomed the animal no longer reports …
And has – wrongly – retained the good feeling: 'I saved a life'.
At this moment, Alina looks up like a mountain against the approaching autumn and winter. She has no idea if she will be able to buy straw. Not even for her own animals to keep warm, let alone the traumatised wretches in the killing. The lofts that are there don't even deserve the name 'hut'. The whole thing is downright tragic to watch. How can the world be so cruel?
She feels so powerless and becomes so despondent.
This is another one of those projects where we can promise: you don't just help an animal with food or heat. You are literally saving a precious life!
We scrolled through her photos and videos and saw – far too often – with the photos: 'died …' — passed away – really incredibly sad.
Please help (!) to be able to add 'saved' – saved – to the photos a little more often.
You can help these animals directly by transferring an amount to:
NL16 INGB 0004 7841 60 in the name of. Stichting Dierennood quoting: 'Aid project 160'
and we will make sure that your donation will only be used for this aid project.
With us there is no deduction for salaries, housing or unnecessary frills.
Or donate via the button below:
Visit Alina's Facebook page:
Target amount: 6,000 euros - Balance as at 30 October: 6,014 euros
Oct 31 – Very nice, we have reached our target amount! Thank you all very much, especially on behalf of all those animals that, thanks to your generous donations, are spared a miserable death and can be removed from the killing station! THANK ALL!
Oct 24 – We are slowly but steadily moving towards our target amount. Utterly fantastic!
Oct 17 – The piece in our newsletter has made a big impression on many of you. That led to wonderful proceeds of almost, 2400 euros. Although there was one beautiful extra high in between...
Oct 10 – Despite the 'competition' from the Extra Sterilisation Project due to Animal Day, last week has also been great for this October project, which aims to save as many dogs as possible from a horrible killing station!
Oct 3 – Another new start. This time quite an emotional project, in which we discussed internally about the choice of words and about the photos. But given the various positive reactions we have already received by email or via donations, fortunately you are looking at it positively. Hopefully it will bring in a nice and literally life-saving final amount…
as of 2 Oct. - 230 euros
as of 9 Oct. - 1,348 euros
as of 16 Oct. - 2,390 euros
as of 23 Oct. - 1,158 euros
as of 30 Oct. - 888 euros